You know how you think in mental shorthand? Like, you can skip words in your thinking, because you can follow your own thoughts? We all do it, without even noticing, and it doesn’t ordinarily cause any problems.


I have no idea when we learn this. (Birth?) Well, I have no idea when I learned this. I’ve not noticed because it’s been a natural part of my thought processes. And it’s silent. As in – no one can hear me doing it.


Until now. I’m afraid my mental shorthand has now migrated south, to my voice. I’m starting to leave out words, details, of whatever it is I’m thinking. It’s like I expect the world at large to be right there with me – in my mind – following all my synapses in their speed-of-light firing.


Instead, it seems more like misfiring, because when a gal leaves key words out of her thoughts, the meaning is more than muddied. It’s downright gone, y’all.


Not sure what I’m going to do about it. Or how to tackle it. And while I’m trying to figure that one out, I should really work on improving my handwriting as well. Everything I write is beginning to look like it’s scribbled on a physician’s prescription pad.


And to think – I once had such lovely penmanship. Oh well. Those days are more than muddied. They’re downright gone, y’all.

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