Have you ever looked at your calendar, at the week ahead, and thought how jam-packed it’s going to be? If your schedule is dictated by others and filled with less-than-desirable tasks, looking ahead can be daunting and a real drag. But what if a busy week is your own doing? What if you’ve lined up duties, jobs and events with awareness and intention? Ah. That’s another story.


Today I start such a week. I have commitments and work, visits and tasks, and I’m actually excited! Not sure how I’ll get it all done, for even though it looks good on paper (and lines up nicely, with consideration to days and hours), it’s still a full week. But it’s okay. Because the week ahead looks to be a great week. And I am grateful to have been able to allot my time according to me. Not all weeks are like that. So I’ll take this one. Because I can.


Not sure how your first week of October looks, but I hope it’s swell. Or at least more swell than not. Imagine. If all of us went out into our little parts of the world and felt good about ourselves and our days – we could change the world. Okay – maybe not. But wouldn’t it feel good? Yes. Yes it would.

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