“It’s Friendship, Friendship, Just a Perfect Blendship!”


Music and Lyrics by Cole Porter

(1891 – 1964)



A while back, Mister and I were at The Hotel Cafe in Hollywood, listening to Sweet Talk Radio perform their first show in months. It was a grand show, and I experienced exactly what one hopes at a concert: I was lost in it. At some point as I sat there, smiling and enjoying the music, I thought about how those on-stage performers are my friends. And I wondered how such things come to pass.


A reason, a season or a lifetime. Jack Daniels told me about seeing that on a refrigerator magnet, and how it describes friendships. Before he shared that with me, I’d not heard of it. Now, of course, I know just how true it is. I also know we have no idea which category holds our friends, or how long we’ll know those souls.


This summer marked an anniversary for my best friend from childhood. But I didn’t reach out to her, as we’ve gone the way of drifting apart over the last several years. My aging view of the situation is that life has just changed. And because most of the times I’ve called or written have led to no response, I’ve decided to respect her and simply let her be. I didn’t come to this decision lightly or quickly. It took a lot of processing. Because I love her, I’m letting her go. It’s the right thing to do, though not the easiest.


Other friends have moved on, as well. And I’ve not always felt too keen about those losses, either. But when I respect someone, I have to show that respect, even if it means not interacting with them again.


Back to The Hotel Cafe and Sweet Talk Radio… As I sat there, wondering how on earth these two vibrant souls ever became my friends, I remembered: I simply invited them over for dinner. It was a fun, crazy evening. And I got way too drunk. I mean, drunk to the point of them telling me later about things I said that night, things I don’t recall at all. Things I’m happy to not remember. And yet, they’re still my friends. They didn’t hold it against me. I’m amazed by that. I truly am.


A reason, a season, a lifetime. I have no idea how to qualify these two beautiful, charming people. And that’s okay. They’re my friends now. And I get to be their friend now. And to you, dear friends, I say this – with all sincerity: now is enough.

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