It’s happening everywhere I go. People in stores and out in the world keep saying the same thing. “It’s too hot for March!” And they’re right.


One night I heard the local weather man say it was a full 80 degrees warmer in L.A. than in Boston. And that was before we hit 90 here. It breaks my heart to tell you this, but Mister and I gave in and turned on the conditioned air this weekend. In March. Before the first day of Spring. Dag.


Recently I read something about how the majority of Angelenos choose to live here just for the weather. And I believe that report. I hear so many people comment about L.A.’s fab weather, I’m starting to think residents are issued a prerecorded response for all climate queries. Personally, I’m questioning our weather as a viable reason for myself. And though I don’t have any pending options on the horizon, it is something to think about.


In the meantime, the Lord does make conditioned air and I have to admit – the sun streaming through the windows is just lovely. You know – we really do have awesome weather.

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