I’ve talked to folks (or read blog posts of folks) who live in other parts than these here and I keep experiencing the same feeling: I’m jealous.


Y’all have crossed over into Autumn and we clearly have not. Mister and I spent Saturday doing our best to be perfectly still, as any movement would have only added to the heat of the day. And in case you don’t know, that day’s heat was over 100 degrees F here in Los Angeles.


I know I bitch about the heat more than I should. And I hope that in a month or so said heat will be far enough in the rear view for me to forget about it for a while.


But that ain’t how things were on Saturday. Nor today. (Nor this week…) So for now, I’m simply letting you know how terribly jealous I am of you and where you live. Feel free to keep that knowledge in your back pocket, in case a challenging moment finds its way into your day. You can tell yourself, “Hey! Someone in Los Angeles is jealous of me! So there!”


Now that I think about it, I’m sure my being jealous of your Autumn makes absolutely no difference whatsoever in your life. I guess that means I’m jealous and delusional. How pitiful.

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