I don’t make up this stuff. I only share it…


Today is Evaluate Your Life day. And if that sounds daunting, well, that may be because it is. I mean, if I’m going to sit down and evaluate my life, how honest am I going to be? Do I process my “truth” while wearing rose-colored glasses? Or do I hold up a tell-all mirror and face the facts?


Some may think I wear rose-colored glasses year-round. And that may be accurate. But I love seeing the world with a happy glow. And as someone who’s dealt with many of life’s dark shadows, I can honestly say I prefer the joy, thank-you-very-much.


So okay. I can do a little evaluating today. And I can even be honest with myself. And because I know I’m going to face the world with at least a half-smile on my mug, I can deal. Let the evaluating begin!

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