I am somewhat handy. Actually, I’m pretty danged handy. When a job needs doing around the New Pad, the first question I ask myself is whether or not I can handle it. So far – touch wood – the answer has mostly been yes. And though I am sometimes intimidated by a task, I know the only way to the other side is through the problem, and so I tackle the job. Eventually.


But there are times when my hands cannot solve a problem. Like when a fireplace needs rebuilding. Or when there’s a gas leak. Or, as I had to recently admit, when a shower drain is so clogged that no amount of toxic chemicals will clear the obstruction.


Let me tell you – I’ve been living with my clogged shower drain for quite a few weeks. Weeks, y’all! And I have engaged a plumber before, and he’s saved my bacon on more than one occasion, but I always feel like he’s overcharging me. (He probably isn’t, but I still feel that way.) So I decided I needed to try a different plumber for this pain-in-the-butt of a clog. After asking a couple of people I respect, and finding out they both use the same danged plumber, I made an appointment. Yesterday the dudes arrived, tried to clear the clog, couldn’t, then started talking about tackling the problem from the roof. I felt bad for them, but I also knew they’re the professionals and I went about painting a wall. They tried a new tact, without a climb to the roof, and it worked!


And now – praise the water gods – my shower is functioning as it should. I am so grateful I know when to say when and didn’t try to snake the danged thang myself. Hallelujah!

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