Look at those monkeys. Innocent wind chimes, right?


Wrong! Mister found out the hard way when he was climbing down from the roof and bumped the chimes. All of a sudden, a gi-normous wasp flew out and stung the heck out of him. He hollered for help and we both ran into the house. I grabbed some baking soda and quickly made a paste with water, then I slathered it on Mister’s arm.



After a couple of minutes, we went back outside and I heard Mister doing his best mob impression, “You mess with me, I mess with your entire family!” Then, before I knew it, that guy had blasted bug spray and killed every single wasp in the wind chimes. Bye-bye wasps.


Sometimes nature is less than friendly. That doesn’t mean it’s bad. It’s just nature. Those wasps weren’t doing anything other than what they’re supposed to. They were just being wasps. Right up until they were dead. Wasps messed with Mister. He messed with their entire family. True story.


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