Mister regularly climbs on the roof. He doesn’t do this because he’s gone B-A-N-A-N-A-S or anything. He does it because he likes to keep the skylights clean. Said skylights are in our rumpus room, and that’s where we do most of our living. Being able to see through the glass is a treat. And the view of the sky is lovely.


So the other day Mister was looking up at the skylights and wondering what the heck-a-fire was leaving tracks on the glass. We know we have opossums and raccoons living in the neighborhood, and we often see them wobbling along fence-tops. But we’ve not yet seen them on the roof. So we were stymied.


Anyhoo – cut to the other evening. Mister told me to look up, and when I did, I saw a fat cat sitting on a skylight and leaving his body tracks in the dust. Mister yelled to get the cat’s attention, for a photo and all, and that cat cracked us up. He positioned himself in attack mode, as if he was going to pounce right through the glass and get us. Honestly, I kind of wanted him to try. Just for the laugh factor. But he quickly bored of us (we are boring, after all), and moved on.


At least now we know who’s behind the jacked-up skylights. I’ll be getting out the Critter Ridder spray this week.

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