Sometimes I get a little down when I think about art. I absolutely love creative endeavors, be they paintings or sewing projects or some sort of design work or writing. When my right brain is in full swing, I am at my happiest. I know this, and I try to feed that part of myself regularly.


24 x 30, Oil on Canvas


But then doubt creeps in. And I wonder if I’ll be able to come up with the next idea, the next project. Or if I should even bother at all. I mean really – what’s the point? Momentary pleasure? Is that enough of a reason?



Yesterday I found myself swimming in those dreaded doubts. And I knew I was barely treading and in danger of slipping too deep for recovery. That’s when I happened upon a photo file of my paintings. Sure – I skipped over a lot of them (quickly, I might add). But a few really caught my eye and caused me to linger. I’ve done some good work! And I still like looking at those pieces, even the ones that are out in the world.



So yes. Sometimes I get a little down when I think about art. But at least I know how to lift my spirits a bit. Yesterday I used myself to lift me up. And I am quite grateful for that.


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