I don’t get hit on by men. I’m not complaining. I’m just stating a fact. Guys don’t flirt with me when I’m out in the world, and that’s okay. I’ve never tried to decipher it or anything, as I’m not bothered by it. (I am happily Mister-ed up and all.) There is one exception, however…


Old dudes. Old dudes love me. I mean they loooooove me. I have had to physically fight off an old dude or two – I kid you not – and you’d be surprised by how strong old dudes can be. But I digress.


Yesterday I was walking down the street and I saw a thirty-something dad with his young son, up ahead on the sidewalk. The kid couldn’t have been older than three, and he was about the cutest thing ever. When I neared the two of them, I said to the dad, “Your little guy is stylin’ and profilin’!” He laughed and we passed by one another.


All of a sudden, I heard this loud, high-pitched squeal coming from the kid. I looked over my shoulder and he was barreling toward me, arms outstretched, with a grin as big as a pancake. His dad came running after him, saying, “Stop chasing girls!” That dad struggled to pull his kid away from me, and that kid put up a fight, y’all. After a moment, the dad picked up his son and they continued on their way, in the opposite direction.


Maybe my polarity has flipped and I’m now the apple of younger men’s eyes. If that’s true, I hope their dads will always be around to rein them in. You’d be surprised by how strong young dudes can be.

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