As the holidays are in full-swing and you are most likely looking for something to do with your friends and family once they descend upon your home (other than choking them, that is), may I suggest a little game?


Cards Against Humanity” is perhaps the worst game ever. Mister and I were introduced to it a year or so ago, and we immediately knew we needed it in our collection. It is offensive, unsettling and just plain wrong. And I suppose that’s why we like it. Each time we’ve played, memories have been made. Maybe not the most P.C. of memories, but memories just the same.


I’m not saying you should up and buy your own box, without the benefit of having played a round or two. But I do suggest you give it a whirl. And once you’re sufficiently appalled, then buy yourself the game. After all, nothing says family love like pissing people off.

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