I have a new favorite dog.


I met Bentley during our recent Scottsdale visit. He’s gorgeous, yes. But that’s not what made him top dog in my book.


That dog won my admiration while playing hide-and-seek with his bone. Here’s how it went down: Bentley brought the bone to my feet and dropped it. His master told me I should go and hide the bone somewhere in the house. I did. Bentley waited, patiently, until I returned to the room and took a seat. Then he headed off to find the bone. Within a super-short period of time, Bentley returned with the bone and dropped it at my feet. Then he picked it up again and went back around the corner to some other room in the house. After a moment or two, Bentley returned and sat at my feet, sans bone. His master then informed me it was my turn to go and find the bone, as Bentley had hidden it for me. What the? I wasn’t as fast as he’d been (super-keen sense of dog-smell and all), but I did find the bone and Bentley looked pleased.


Bentley did a lot of other impressive tricks, and I enjoyed every one. But the hide-and-seek routine – that really won me over. Here’s to you Bentley! Long may you reign!


3 thoughts on “Top Dog

  1. My favorite part was when after taking a dip in the pool he would jump on a towel to dry himself off. Funniest dog ever!

    1. I’d forgotten that routine! It was hilarious! So good to hang out with you and hope your trip home to Germany was uneventful. Happy New Year, Katrin! Super-Happy in fact!

      1. Bentley was just “too cute” =)
        Except for the landing in London it was an uneventful trip back home. Thx!
        I had a good time and a lot of laughs with you guys too!
        Have a very Happy New Year too.
        Until we meet again.

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