Sometimes in the process of moving, certain things go missing (toaster, underpants). Certain things go broke (juice glasses). And certain things go haywire.


Our inter-web is whacked out right now. Maybe it’s due to sun spots. Maybe it’s due to Mercury being in retrograde. Whatever the cause, it’s an ugly scene.


I have feelings about paying for services (or things) that don’t work. And when that service (or thing) is something beyond my scope, I feel hostage to the whole danged situation. I know how to use a computer – basically – but I absolutely do not know how to re-write code. And when I hit a tech-wall, I’m left blind-sided.


There’s another thing, too. As much as I like to think I’m not dependent on technology, I am absolutely no different from anyone else. Though I don’t carry my phone around in my pocket, waiting for every single text sent my way, I do check it first thing in the morning. And I do reach for my computer (instead of a book or periodical) each time I need information. So yes, my name is Mikki, and I’m techno-dependent.


Techno-junkies Anonymous. Gives a whole new meaning to T & A.

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