I was at a meeting yesterday afternoon. A meeting that took place on a street corner in a residential neighborhood. And yes, everything about this meeting was legal.


Ahem… So I was standing beside my car, door wide open. I was looking around the neighborhood and thinking it was lovely. The air was warm and there was a nice breeze. I suddenly realized I could hear the soft notes of classical music, carried through the air. I began to smile and thought to myself, “I wonder who’s listening to that beautiful music.”


I looked at my car’s open door and realized that it was I who was listening to the beautiful music on my car’s radio. I laughed at myself and just shook my head.


I may be a dork, but I sure do love this gal.

2 thoughts on “I Love This Gal

  1. Related story: Two Swindon girls are on the bus and one says, ‘what’s that you’re staring at, then?’ The other says, ‘it’s a picture of a girl, but I can’t remember where I’ve seen her before, like.’ The other girl takes the mirror, looks at it and says, ‘Oh! It’s me, silly.’

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