Mister was getting out of his car when he noticed something shiny on the ground. It was a ring. As he was in a random parking lot in the middle of nowhere, he didn’t try to figure out how to turn it in to Lost & Found. He stuck it in his pocket and went about his bid-ness. Eventually, upon returning home, he gave the ring to me.


It’s pretty big. Mister said he thought it was perhaps a gum machine prize, and that it was probably meant for someone’s toe. I washed the heck out of it at those words, and said I did not think it was a toe ring, as it’s so very large. I also thought it might be a wee bit higher on the jewelry chain than gum machine items. I checked the markings inside and sure enough, it’s silver.


I’ve taken to wearing it once in a while. I put it on my index finger and hope it doesn’t fall off. I could wear it on my thumb, but I’ve heard that’s a sign you take it in the butt. So index finger it shall be.

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