Yesterday I spent a good chunk of time cleaning up my inbox. (That’s not a euphemism, kids.) My main email inbox had several hundred posts and it was making me crazy. So I weeded through all of it and got down to about 150. That’s a vast improvement!


Because all that mail is electronic, it’s easy to justify keeping it. I know a lot of people keep thousands of emails, as a sort of filing system. And where’s the harm? All that mail doesn’t clutter up one’s home or anything. I suppose, for me, it was akin to a junk drawer. Out of sight, out of mind. Except that I saw the tally each time I logged in and the number was making me uncomfortable. It’s true that I’m not big on dusting, but I do like things to be picked-up. That inbox was starting to weigh on my psyche, y’all. And I knew it was time to act.


So after trashing most of what I’d accumulated, I was able to file the rest, keeping only those things that are pertinent to day-to-day life. Again, 150 may sound like a lot of remaining emails, but it’s better than it was.


And now I’m feeling all perky, like maybe I should tackle some more cleaning/tidying projects. I do love clean.

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