Mister and I spotted this sign one day when we were out for a walk. And yes – those are my feet.


Sometimes I feel like a total dummy, and that sucks. We’ve been trying to fix a temperature regulator in a shower, and we’ve made zero-point-zero progress. That makes me feel like a dummy.


I’m working on a perspective issue with a painting, and my brain just hasn’t gotten it yet. That makes me feel like a dummy.


I’ve got several containers of used cooking oil and used paint thinner lined up to be taken to the haz-mat center. But have I taken them? No. I just keep adding to the collection. That makes me feel like a dummy.


But perhaps nothing makes me feel like a dummy more than when I treat myself as if I am a dummy. For I am not. I’m just a regular gal. Decent enough smarts. More than decent heart. I make a pretty awesome version of me, in fact.


I’m trying to be better about simply appreciating myself, without tearing me down. The world will do enough of that without my help. So today my aim is kindness. Toward others. Toward the world. Toward myself. I deserve it.

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