I do a pretty good job of being true to myself. I work at it, I admit. I generally manage to function in this world with my eyes wide open. I take in information, analyze it, decide if I like it or not.


I am not usually susceptible to the raves and leanings of friends. If they tell me I simply must read the latest teen trilogy that’s sweeping every middle school in the known Universe, I am strong enough to know and say I won’t be reading those. If every gal I know is wearing the latest peep-show chaps that are available now! Straight off the pole!  – I couldn’t care less. And I will say right out loud, “No, thank you. I won’t be wearing those, girls.”


But when it comes to beer, well, I’m a bit more susceptible. As this dude in the UK keeps posting about all the holiday beers he’s going through before Christmas, I have fallen under the influence. So this week found me out shopping for holiday craft brews. Thus far, I’m toasting Christmas like nobody’s bid-ness.


Season’s Greetings, yo!

3 thoughts on “Under the Influence

  1. I can’t believe you’re reading that tripe. He doesn’t seem to understand anything about rating beverages and just appears to be foul mouthed and up his own arse. Oh, well, Merry Xmas, anyway.

    1. You know what’s funny? It took me more than a few seconds to figure out just who “someone respectable” might be. Even now, I’m thinking I may be presuming too much. And I certainly hope you continue all your chuckle-inducing comparisons (scents and all). I so loves a good giggle…

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