Something strange has taken up residence at the new pad. And that something is Midget Spiders. (For the overly-P.C. among you, that would be Little Spiders.)


On any given day, at any given moment, Mister or I will spy with our little eyes multiple Midget Spiders. (For the overly-Latin among you, that would be Parvulus Araneae.) The most I’ve spotted at once is three. In the same area. They don’t appear to be chummy or anything. They just seem to like being near one another. Safety in numbers, I suppose.



I’m used to spiders with a bit more presence. These wee dudes have left me stymied. Do I still have to worry about them biting me, as so many house spiders do? Are they a sign of something bigger? Literally?


What-evs. Midget Spiders! (For the overly-Pig-Latin among you, that would be Idget-May Iders-Spay.) Who knew?


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