Yesterday morning Mister and I got up at 5:30. In the a.m. Before the sun or the Lord had risen. It was that early. And why did we wake at such an unholy hour? To work out. It’s how we do. Don’t judge. So we’re doing P90-X Yoga, and we’re right in the middle of standing leg extensions when the world started shaking wildly and meanly. We grabbed each other and hung on for dear life. Like most earthquakes, this one lasted only a few seconds. Mister and I looked at each other, then did a walk-through to check on the house. The pool water was sloshing still, but that was about it. We rejoined the yoga DVD and morning resumed.


It took about 15 minutes for the birds to return to the trees and pick up their sing-song routine. It also took about 15 minutes before we heard the first sirens. An earthquake that’s too small to wreck a person’s house can still rock a person’s heart. In other words, even minor earthquakes often lead to heart attacks.


By mid-day yesterday, we’d had only a couple of aftershocks. All in all, not too bad. I’m on high alert though, as Mother Nature seems fond of surprising folks with her wrath. Still, I can’t help but smile, as Mister and I were pretty danged funny – the way we grabbed each other during the rumbling. And I’m not even going into how he shrieked like a little girl…

4 thoughts on “Hanging On For Dear Life

  1. Shrieked like a little girl? Can relate: years ago we were in our house in Athens with a friend (Debra) over for dinner when a bat swooped in. I squealed, “BAT!” and ran into the next room slamming the door then after a three count and clearing my throat I yelled back, “save yourselves!” J and Debra strolled in the other way (doors circumnavigated the interior) and started mocking me. To regain face, I grabbed a couple of tennis rackets and handed one to Debra and we reentered the Bat Cave from opposite doors and swatted the poor thing between ourselves until we were able to steer it out one of the windows. Drugs might have been involved.

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