I have shut-in tendencies. (This isn’t news.) I love home and am sometimes reluctant to get out into the world. And this is from a gal who adores the world. What can I tell you? I am a complicated chick.


Anyhoo – this weekend found Mister and me tooling about the city for quite an outing. First, we went to see “The Revenant.” As it’s an Oscars best picture nominee, it was on our must-see list. Mister’s sister had told us that when she saw it she felt cold throughout the viewing. I didn’t have that experience, but it was intense. And that bear scene everyone’s talking about was bat-shit crazy. All that being said, it really is a good movie, and if you see it, let me know and we’ll discuss.


After that, we went to one of L.A.’s hottest restaurants – Salt’s Cure. We didn’t have a reservation, but we managed to get there just before opening time, so we scored seats at the bar. Personally, I’m a big fan of dinner at a bar. The food is the same and I get to watch the tender plying her/his craft. It’s entertainment, I tell ya. And here’s a wacky thing about Los Angeles food dorks sitting at bars: they offer to share their food with strangers. I say “they” because it never occurs to Mister or me to offer some of our food to the folks seated beside us at restaurant bars. We’re not greedy or anything (not unreasonably so, anyway). We just don’t think of it. As we were sitting at dinner that night, the kindly chick to my left ordered a gi-normous bone-in pork chop. When it was placed before her, I thought the bar would tilt to her side, a la the car from “The Flintstones” intro. Seriously – it was bigger than the chick ordering it. We openly marveled at the beautiful spectacle and she offered Mister a bite. He’s not shy, that guy, so he anxiously said yes and gobbled it down. As this particular brand of food generosity has been bestowed upon us before, I may have to remind myself to reciprocate at least once. But I digress. Salt’s Cure was fabulous, all the way around, and we will definitely go back.


After dinner, we moseyed to an industrial space for an art show. It seemed all the pieces were tied to Muay Thai and boxing in some manner. We were there to support our friends Tiffany, Rachel and Marcie. They had done a video showing the action at The Yard Muay Thai, a kickboxing training center in town. Using a 360 camera, their video showed every conceivable angle of action, from side-to-side and up-and-down. To view it, one wore an enclosed viewer and moved around to cue the 360 action. It’s fascinating technology and I can’t wait to see what else they shot.


After enjoying the video, we checked out all the paintings and sculpture (including the 12-foot Dolph Lundgren shown above), then headed home. It was a long day-into-night, and it was grand. Sometimes the city is like that. Those are the times I remember why we live here. And it’s good.

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