I’m playing catch-up with my Drunk Dial Think Tank postings, but rest assured – Mister and I are keeping up. So far. And it’s completely due to him that we’re on track. So far. I’m just sayin’.


Anyhoo, the above photo is the completed project from week 4’s effort. Outdoor art! It’s art, and you hang it outdoors! Get it?


For serious though, we both worked on this one from conception through to the very end. And lest ye think we banged it out without incident, I’m here to tell you that no – we did not. The water was a super be-yotch and had to be tweaked to the moon and back. In the beginning, Mister said it looked like dolphins. And dang it, he was right. So we took another go at it and decided we’d gotten to a point where we could live with it. We had to mega-seal it, too, as it’s exposed to the elements. And even so, it will die at some point. All things do.


The saying is a play on the old song, “Meet Me In St. Louis, Louis.” We began saying “St. Screwy” after hearing our buddy Jack Daniels say it about a jillion times. Put it all together and presto-bango! You’ve got yourself some outdoor art.


I’m super happy with this project. I really enjoyed the process of painting with Mister. I just enjoy painting – period. And now we’ve got a lovely piece of art, just outside our kitchen door. D-Squared T-Squared rules!

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