I didn’t intend for this past week’s creative endeavor to be a catch-up project, but it sort of ended up being just that.


I took quite a while in getting various bathroom art framed and ready to install. This was due not only to my being slow, but also to economic realities of buying frames. They’re not free, you know. And as a frugal gal, I insisted on using coupons for each and every frame purchased. As stores have rules and coupons expire, I was forced to acquire my frames slowly.


But I did it! I was a patient penny-pincher and all the required frames were amassed. Finally. So what started as a single hung piece of photographic art (above), has now grown into a full-blown installation…



I call it “A Room With a Loo.” And I call it an installation because that sounds much cooler than a-bunch-a-pictures-I-hung-up. I didn’t have a template for the hanging, so I had to use a level, math and patience. By the way, if I ever again hear a kid ask why she needs to study math as she’ll never use it when she’s grown, I now know to tell her that she will indeed need it – to hang pictures in her bathroom.


This was an odd little project, enjoyed by both Mister and myself. If we come across other bathroom signs that strike our fancies, we’ll probably photograph those, too. No reason we can’t rotate art. A fresh perspective is a welcomed thing. Even in the most used room of the house.


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