The other day, after hiking with a friend, we decided to reward ourselves with coffee. (Coffee is my morning spirit animal, after all.) When our cups were delivered to the table, I found a cute bear, looking up at me from the foam atop my java. My friend got a leaf. She was jealous, and I didn’t blame her one bit.


It’s been a weird week for me. I’ve analyzed and I’ve broken down. I’ve gotten lost and I’ve stumbled. I’ve experienced discomfort and heartache, and ultimately – growth. Through it all, I’ve encountered more kindness than I can convey. It has come from friends and from strangers, and it has all been appreciated.


Sometimes in this world we are moved to perform a good deed for another soul. We may be prompted into doing so, but we may just flippin’ feel like it. I don’t think I gave any indication of needing kindness to the barista at the coffee bar the other day. I think she just felt like expressing her artistic side. And she did it in a cup reserved for me. That little bear made me immensely happy. So did the coffee. Maybe my morning spirit animal is a coffee bear. Hmm…

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